Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA
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Fast Facts About Pre-K

✓ Who: Ages 4 and 5 (must be 4 by September 1st of the school year)

✓ When: 3-Day (Mon/Wed/Fri) & 5-Day Pre-K Programs are available; both are Full-Day Pre-K.

✓ Location: 交通便利,距离宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县30号公路蒙特维尔出口仅1分钟路程

Dayspring’s private Full-Day Pre-K program in Lancaster County, PA uses The Principle Approach®, a biblical method of education that helped forge our nation.

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Early Childhood Education at Dayspring


  • Preschool: 2-Days/Week (mornings, for ages 3 & 4)
  • Pre-K: 3 & 5-Day/Week Programs (full day, for ages 4 & 5)
  • Kindergarten: 3 & 5-Day/Week Programs (full day, for ages 5 & 6)

Pre-K is a 3-day all day program. 可选的额外两天充实日为寻求全日制学前教育的家长创建了一个完整的5天学前教育计划.

Purpose of the Full-Day Pre-K Program

  • To fortify the love for God that is being taught at home.
  • 灌输一种对上帝赐予我们每个人学习的特殊礼物的爱.
  • To assist parents in training their child in Christian manners and habits.
  • To begin the process of fitting the child for usefulness in his/her future.

Dayspring的私立基督教学前教育项目在每个不同的学科中播下了学习的种子. Children expand their God-given love of learning through The Principle Approach® 在美国殖民和建国时期使用的一种教育方法.

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Pre-K in Lancaster PA Girl Learning and Growing

General Pre-K Information

  • After School Programs: Dayspring offers an afterschool program for grades Pre-K to 5, which starts at 3:00 p.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. 该计划是为那些因工作而无法接送学生的家长设计的. 请注意,我们不能在假期,下雪天或早退日提供课后服务. The after school program consists of:
  • Programs for gifted or students with special needs: 为了给每个学生提供独特的学习体验,Dayspring提供了不同的教学方法. We offer several programs through P139 Student Support, named after Psalm 139:14, that aim to help student’s reach their potential. Please check our P139 Student Support page for additional details.
  • School Security/Safety protocols, etc. Dayspring’s Pre-K classroom is large, bright, welcoming, and friendly. 适当的安全措施已经到位,以确保我们的家庭对他们宝贵的孩子的安全充满信心, loved and well-cared for.
  • Field Studies: Dayspring为学前班学生提供实地研究,以便他们能够更深入地研究课程的某些领域. The costs of field studies are included in their tuition cost. 以下是为学前班学生提供的实地考察:Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, Choo Choo Barn, Tiny Town,  Lancaster County Park, Oregon Dairy, and Lancaster Science Factory
  • Tuition: $6,699 for 3-day Pre-K
  • Financial Aid Info: Tuition Assistance is available. Call John Riddell at 717-285-2000 for details.

Pre-K in Lancaster PA Smiling Kid

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Pre-K Curriculum & Program Options (3-Day & 5-Day)

This level is appropriate for the child who has turned 4 years old by September 1.

  • 孩子们开始学习科学、历史和地理等学科的基础知识.
  • 他们认为上帝是每个主题的作者,对我们现代世界的每个主题都有一个目的和计划.
  • They begin to record their learning in their own hand.
  • They even begin to reason from the Bible in every subject area.

This intentional method of teaching and learning teaches students to think and reason, not just regurgitate facts.

Pre-K in Lancaster PA Play Session3-Day All Day Pre-K Program, Mon/Wed/Fri

The program is activity-oriented, while introducing the structure and rigors of a formal classroom setting.

As a first step into scholarship, 学生笔记本的介绍和学生开始正式的步骤,通过Sound Sensible®程序阅读. 学术的种子以一种鼓舞人心的方式播撒在每一个学科中.

Highlights include:

  • Developing early math skills
  • 开始音素和短元音(许多学生在年底前开始阅读)
  • Memorizing a Bible verse representing each letter of the alphabet
  • 探索音乐、艺术、周围的环境,体验创造的奇妙
  • Experiencing a science unit on farm animals, with a trip to Long’s Park
  • A Classical literature focus on:
    • The life and works of Beatrix Potter
    • Mother Goose rhymes, including a character dress-up day
  • The use of art and drama to enhance studies in the rudiments of every subject, including the biblical foundation of each
  • 被引入技术,因为它被直接带入课堂课程
  • 在体育教育中成长——我们结合了一个基于行动的学习计划,为大脑输入挑战做好准备, feedback, and physical activity through stations
Discover Pre-K at Dayspring

Supplemental Kindergarten

The guide behind the IDEA! supplemental Kindergarten program encompasses the following attributes:


  • 社区式学习,孩子们能够分享他们的想法,同时也学会倾听他们的邻居.
  • 专门的时间,学生可以寻求从直接圣经阅读圣经原则应用到他们的生活.
  • 全天有计划的大脑休息,让学生刷新他们的情感和智力智囊团.


  • 扩展学生在科学和历史领域的知识,并通过使用STEM将所学知识付诸实践, collaborative group projects, history character studies, as well as other creative avenues.


  • 通过艺术、戏剧和音乐,有机会探索上帝赋予他们的创造能力.
  • 通过探索和学习我们的国家公园,学习如何成为上帝给我们的世界的好管家. Rangers.


  • To allow students to capitalize on language, spelling, 并且已经学会了数学技能,并在这些基础技能上进一步提高了他们的个人能力.

The IDEA! 课程是一个独立的课程,在整个学年的周二和周四进行. 该课程可以添加到我们的3天学前班或幼儿园课程中,以创建全天课程, 5-day kindergarten program.

Pre-k students smiling while in class at Dayspring Christian Academy


What days are Pre-K offered at Dayspring Christian Academy?
Dayspring offers 3-Day (Mon/Wed/Fri) & 5-Day Pre-K programs (full day, for ages 4 & 5).
Are programs available for gifted or students with special needs?
At Dayspring, we see each child as a unique individual, created by a loving Creator, and valued as such. It is because of this that Dayspring has created the P139 Student Support program, named for Psalm 139:14, 并设计用于教需要替代或不同教学方法的各个层次的学生, so they may work to their potential.
Are after school programs available to Pre-K students?
Dayspring offers an afterschool program for grades Pre-K through 5. The program starts at 3 p.m. and ends at 5 p.m. We are unable to provide the program on holidays, snow days, and early dismissals.
What field studies are offered to Pre-K students?
为了充分钻研课程主题,Dayspring提供了几个实地研究. Some Pre-K locations include, The Choo Choo Barn to learn about science and travel/transportation, The Oregon Dairy to learn about spring on the farm, and The Lancaster Science Factory for hands-on scientific exploration.
Why should I seek Christian education for my child?
《BCK体育注册官网》清楚地教导我们,教育的责任属于父母,而不是国家. Proverbs states that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Only by teaching our children the Truth as seen in God’s Word, 我们能否确保他们能够充分地迎接世俗世界的挑战,并为基督的事业动态地影响这个世界.
Students do use textbooks for skill oriented subjects, by and large, though, textbooks are used as resource tools. 学生和教师都开发出高度专业化的笔记本,成为主要的教学工具. 这增强了要学习的材料的内在化,并创造了一种所有权感,从而增加了长期的保留和应用.
Can I see the school and meet the Pre-K teachers?

Yes! Visiting Dayspring is a great way to get your questions answered, learn more about the school, meet the Pre-K teachers and faculty, and see how we can meet your child's individual educational needs.

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Is there a transition period for my child? How do parents handle separation anxiety?
Some children may experience separation anxiety during their first days of school. 我们理解大多数孩子需要时间来意识到他们在学校是安全的. 我们通过抱着小孩子或坐在他们旁边来告诉他们他们是安全的,因为他们会了解他们的同龄人,并感到更舒服. 我们允许家长每天或每次都送孩子去上课,只要家长愿意. 我们用鼓励的话帮助他们学习,并提醒他们,他们的父母会在一天结束时回来接他们. Typically, we see separation anxiety disappear in a few days. All the teachers are great at making the kids feel loved and safe at school.
What is the student-to-teacher ratio?
Our Dayspring prekindergarten classrooms have an aide to assist the teacher. Teacher to student ratio is 9:1.
What school safety/security measures are in place?
适当的安全措施已经到位,以确保我们的家庭对他们宝贵的孩子的安全充满信心, loved, and well-cared for. Pre-K classrooms are designed with the children’s wellbeing and safety in mind.

Take a tour of Dayspring!

Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, 初高中学生可以通过我们的参观项目体验一天的BCK体育注册官网. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.

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