大胆的. 独特的. 圣经.
一个原理方法® –12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA




✓谁 & 当: 10 -12年级(传统 & 荣誉高中 选项). 5 Days/Week, End of August – Beginning of June

大学预科: 在2021-2022学年期间, 60%的Dayspring二年级学生, 大三学生81%, and 100% of seniors are taking college-level courses.

✓位置: 交通便利,距离宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县30号公路蒙特维尔出口仅1分钟路程


Preparing Students for Higher Education

Dayspring Christian Academy’s 荣誉高中 can also be called a “大学预科高中“. 这是一个重要的因素,在我们的使命是培养学生成为卓越的公民在基督教品格和学术. 荣誉高中课程是专门为满足学术天赋和高表现学生的需求而设计的.

How is it Different from Traditional 高中?

荣誉高中 Courses differ from traditional courses in that they foster a greater degree of independent scholarship grounded in inquiry (a crucial skill associated with 科学发现), 创意设计, 终身学习.

传统高中: It’s common and appropriate for teachers to present a concept or skill, have students learn and practice said concept or skill, then show students how to apply what they’ve learned.

荣誉高中: Teachers become more like coaches who “guide from the side.“而不是给学生出问题,给所有人分配相同的分析任务, 荣誉高中的老师鼓励学生提出问题,设计和实施他们自己的分析计划, 评价, 创意项目.

To get students ready for college (and life after), 荣誉高中帮助学生磨练创造力和探究性学习技能:那些与艺术有关的技能, 科学发现, 发明, 终身学习.



  • A culture of respect and learning in the classroom
  • A spirit of joy in learning and discovery
  • High academic standards and expectations
  • Best practices utilized in teaching-learning methodology
  • 校外实地考察和学习机会(在学期间和夏季)
  • 高层次知识话语
  • A student portfolio verifying a fully developed application of the 笔记本的方法
  • Career emphasis in the context of seeking God’s calling
  • 课外的额外工作
  • 学生与教师的比例为12:1(传统高中学生与教师的比例为20:1)


To provide an academically-focused high school education that:

  1. Recognizes students’ individuality in the context of their spiritual calling.
  2. 要求学生对基督徒品格的成长给予内在的认同,这是优秀的源泉.
  3. 挑战学生在追求学术卓越和管理上帝赋予他们的能力方面更加出色.
  4. 为学生进入他们最适合的高等教育做好准备


Dayspring的SAT平均成绩 are typically about 100 points higher than the national average. 这反映了我们的学生在学校为主工作的承诺,以及我们为学生准备大学所提供的准备. Dayspring高中的学生有机会在毕业前通过我们的课程获得多达30个大学学分 dual enrollment program 与凯恩大学合作 以及我们一流的AP课程. 我们的许多学生到大学时已经修满了一个学期的学分!

  • 双学分计划学生有机会在完成高中学业的同时,通过我们的 双学分制 与凯恩大学合作. Earning college credits before graduation can save time and money after high school.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) classes include:心理学、美国历史、英国作文、英国文学、物理学、统计学、微积分.
  • 学徒职业计划 高年级的.
  • 毕业论文 被写下来并辩护. 毕业论文 is a graduation requirement.



平均绩点 & 类排名计算

SAT成绩:第一 & 平均


我们严格的课程包括从代数到微积分和统计学的核心课程, 从地球科学到物理学, 从生物学到解剖学 & 生理学. 当学生们探索美国历史的雏形和我们的共和主义形式时,他们被赋予了真理.

  • 语言: Includes Spanish, American Sign Language, and Greek
  • 文学: Includes British and American classics from Beowulf to Ben Hur, with an
  • 科学: Includes 美联社生物学, Honors Chemistry, and Physics. 可选的STEM课程.
  • 逻辑我们的学生学习的逻辑(“思考的艺术”)和修辞学(“说话的艺术”)的古老学科在诺亚韦伯斯特1828年的字典中定义.
  • 圣经:学生学习解经,以便更好地理解和解释圣经的原始语言.
  • 艺术: Students may participate in art classes, including AP Studio 艺术
  • 音乐选项包括高中合唱团,音乐理论,以及荣誉合唱团(需要试镜). Students may join instrumental ensembles and take music electives.
  • 双重信用 courses include:General Chemistry 1 and General Chemistry 1 Lab (4 college credits)
    English Composition (3 college credits)
    Survey of British 文学 (3 college credits)
    Probability and Statistics (3 college credits)
    美国历史II(3个大学学分)此外,学生可以参加AP课程. The course available at Dayspring are:AP Statistics

要了解更多信息,请查看我们的完整 课程目录!

A female Dayspring Christian Academy high school student



We are happy to answer any questions you may have.



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Field Trips: Onsite, Interactive In-Depth Learning

深入 领域的研究 in high school include the study of the rudiments of American 历史 in studies to Boston; Plymouth, MA; New York City; and Washington, D.C. 这位Dayspring高中学生的高三以在以色列为期12天的学习结束. We call this trip “the final Dayspring classroom.了解原因。 这个博客.

体育运动 & 课外活动

体育运动 包括男子足球, 女孩长曲棍球, 高尔夫球, 男女篮球, 女子排球, 还有田径. 高中学生也可以参加麦卡斯基高中的任何体育运动 合作赞助.

选修课和社团 包括敬拜团队, 松木的德比, music-based clubs such as strings and ukulele, 历史, 科学俱乐部, 游戏, 烹饪, 报纸, 年鉴, 学生会, 还有更多!


Is there an additional cost for honors high school and 双学分制s?
是的, 学生可以支付双学分并参加同一课程的AP考试,因为他/她的大学可能会接受其中一个而不是另一个.
What school safety/security measures are in place?
Dayspring’s honors high school classrooms are large, bright, welcoming, and friendly. 适当的安全措施已经到位,以确保我们的家庭对他们宝贵的孩子的安全充满信心, 爱, 而且照顾得很好.

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Dayspring students do use textbooks for skill-oriented subjects, 总的来说, 虽然, 教科书被用作资源工具. 学生和教师都开发了高度专业化的笔记本,成为主要的教学工具,增强了材料的内在化. 所有的教科书都选择小心与圣经真理对齐,并植根于主要来源.

了解更多有关 黎明来了

Why should I seek Christian honors high school education for my child?
《BCK体育注册官网》清楚地教导我们,教育的责任属于父母,而不是国家. Proverbs states that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Only by teaching our children the Truth as seen in God’s Word, 我们能否确保他们能够充分地迎接世俗世界的挑战,并为基督的事业动态地影响这个世界.
Can I see the school and meet the honors high school teachers?

是的! Visiting Dayspring is a great way to get your questions answered, 了解更多BCK体育注册官网学校的信息, meet the high school teachers and faculty, and see how we can meet your child's individual educational needs.


Are before and after school programs available to honors high school students?
For grades 10th – 12th, the honors high school year (Traditional & 荣誉高中 选项)是标准的5天/周. From the end of August to the beginning of June.
Is Dayspring Christian Academy honors high school curriculum focused college prep?

Often, Dayspring’s SAT scores are on average about 100 points higher than the national average.

Dayspring high school students are given the opportunity to earn up to 毕业前28个大学学分 through our dual enrollment program 与凯恩大学合作 以及我们一流的AP课程.


  • 双学分计划: 学生有机会在完成高中学业的同时,通过我们与凯恩大学的双学分项目,建立他们的大学成绩单. Earning college credits before graduation can save time and money after high school.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) classes include 心理学、美国历史、英国作文、英国文学、物理学、统计学和微积分.
  • 学徒职业计划 高年级的.
  • 毕业论文 被写下来并辩护. The senior thesis is a graduation requirement.

事实上, 在2018-2019学年, 31%的二年级学生, 大三学生48%, and 56% of Dayspring seniors took college-level courses

How does honors high school differ from traditional high school?

荣誉高中 Courses differ from traditional courses in that they foster a greater degree of independent scholarship grounded in inquiry (a crucial skill associated with 科学发现), 创意设计, 终身学习.

  • 传统高中: It’s common and appropriate for teachers to present a concept or skill, have students learn and practice said concept or skill, then show students how to apply what they’ve learned.
  • 荣誉高中: Teachers become more like coaches who “guide from the side.“而不是给学生出问题,给所有人分配相同的分析任务, 荣誉高中的老师鼓励学生提出问题,设计和实施他们自己的分析计划, 评价, 创意项目.
What’s the honors high school class size?
12 students per class, 1 class per grade level (10th – 12th).
Are there before/after school activities available to my honors high school student?
High school students are offered after school activities such as sports, 一些俱乐部, 还有我们一年一度的春季音乐剧.
What athletic programs are available to honors high school students at Dayspring?

Dayspring offers seven sports programs:

  • 女子排球
  • 男孩篮球
  • 女生篮球
  • 女孩长曲棍球
  • 田径
  • 男孩们的足球
  • 男孩排球

点击这里 了解更多


Private tours for you and your child are available. 另外, 中学生和高中生可以在兰开斯特的黎明荣誉高中体验一天的BCK体育注册官网, 通过我们的访问计划. 打电话给卡罗尔·黑斯廷斯 717-285-2000 或使用下面的按钮注册.

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